So it was that last week I found myself in a tire shop, sentenced to waiting-room jail with
bad coffee and a TV apparently salvaged from the dumpster. When in a situation like that, I
try to make the best of it (even while annoyed at the money this is going to cost) and strike
up a discussion with my fellow inmates – hopefully to plant some seeds for the gospel in
spite of my bad attitude.
I don’t have to make the first move this time, as the other inmate (Man #1) immediately
engages me in conversation. (Well, actually, “conversation” would imply that I
participated.). He regales me with tales of his adventures rock climbing, his time in
California, what he did for a living (painting. I think.), etc. etc. All heavily punctuated with,
ummm, very colorful adjectives (which I suppose should be expected in "jail"). Finally, he
takes a breath.
“So, what do you do for a living?” he asked me.
“I’m a preacher,” I said.
Those three words must be a magic incantation, because time and again they mystically
have the ability to change a person, or at least what they talk about and how they talk about
it. Suddenly, Man #1’s attendance at, and volunteer work for, a local Catholic church
becomes very important. Plus, I learn more than I want to know about a monastic group
someplace in California. But at least the vivid adjectives are gone.
Not 60 seconds later, another man begins serving his sentence in tire-store jail (man #2). I
indication, they had the same English teacher.
again, the words do their magic; even when someone else says them! Powerful stuff they
are. But they’re only effective when I’m within earshot, for I’m sure things went back to
“normal” after the warden let me out.
Isn’t it interesting how we all put on our best face when we are aware of someone we
whose opinion we value in some sense, or at least want to make a good impression on?
We’re aware of something being different.
1 Peter 2:19, "For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering
because they are conscious of God (italics added)."
This passage makes it clear that being conscious of God – being aware of his presence –
has a powerful affect on our behavior. Here, Peter says that being aware of God helps us
endure pain. He empowers our ability to suffer. But I wonder what else being conscious of
God might change?